Friday 26 July 2019

Kayaking... Brrrrrr


Icy cold water… spine-chilling wind… and of course tiny little kayaks that we had to squeeze into!
On Monday, July 1st we went Kayaking! IN the greymouth wharf… YUCK! Before we hit the water we had to go back to the Polytech to get the right gear. Then we headed to the Greymouth swimming pool to practise. We learnt what to do when we capsized. We learnt how to paddle with the paddles correctly. We even learnt how to tip ourselves over and then come back up… But it was super hard. Because the water and the swimming pool was warm I had gotten used to it but after we arrived and the wharf and when we stepped out of the cars it was ICY! Once we had got into our kayaks and got onto the water it was really hard to balance. We played some team building games and tried to paddle up some rapids. As we were coming back into shore I suddenly lost my balance and the kayak tipped. Underwater it was even colder than I thought it would be. If we tipped we were mean to bang on the top of the boat 3 times to let the instructors know that we were in trouble, but that completely slipped my mind. I pulled my spray skirt off and back-flipped out of my kayak and came back above the water. I was shivering the whole car ride home. Brrrr. 
In conclusion I think that kayaking has been the most fun challenge yet and like I always say. I am REALLY looking forward to the next challenge.

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