Friday 27 July 2018

Social Studies Slam 2018 #1

Social studies slam // Mining on conservation land should be baned.
#1 By Sammi

Mining on conservation land SHOULD be banned. Why?

  1. It’s not their land to mine.
  2. If they lose their jobs they can get new ones.
  3. They can kill native flora and fauna

Miners disagree because they could lose their jobs, but if they keep mining we could lose something more precious, our native flora and fauna. Not all miners will lose their jobs only the ones that are mining on conservation land.

If you are feeling sorry for all the miners losing their jobs, DON’T!!! Feel sorry for the birds and native wildlife. We already are losing animals due to global warming and 1080, and when you add mining into the mix.

So in conclusion mining SHOULD be banned!

This is not my real opinion, I actually want mining to stay.