Tuesday 13 June 2017

Boomwriter chapter two


I bound out of the bathroom and around the corner, concerned what the doodle will do next.
Hold on where did he go, all I know is that he was going to find Carter Johnson. Him and his gang hang out underneath the bleachers. I am making my way down to the sports field, I hear two more voices scream and screech at me from inside my bag.

“Help, Help”

“Get us out”

“Oh no Not more” I say.

Suddenly my bag bursts open, I slowly reach inside grabbing my doodle book and open it exposing three more doodles.

“Oy, dummy” wailed one of the doodles

“why did you leave us in there so long” complained the other one.

“Oh I’m sorry” I say in a sarcastic voice. The doodles peel of the page. There was a police officer, a ballerina, wait hold on a ballerina when did I draw her.

“ you drew me in first grade, remember to impress that little girl, ummm, rosy, yeah that was her name.”

“Whatever” I reply
RING! RING! The bell rings so I start pacing back to class. The doodles following behind me. Finally I am back in class, uh oh, Carter and his mates are in there. Carter walks over to me his fist clenched and his teeth bared like a wild dog! “Why don’t pick on someone your own size! So what if I’m fat, wear glasses and a nerd It does not mean I’m weak!” I say with an attitude “ OOOOOOH! Rager!”Carter taunts. I suddenly throw a punch Carter, He falls over and hits his noggin on the desk!

“ Brayden, what the heck are you doing!” The teacher bellowed

“How dare you be so rude and why would you hurt poor Carter, To the principal's office NOW!”

I slowly walk off the classroom, making my way to Mrs Graylings office. Out of the corner of my eye I see a black and white figure emerge from a locker and jump on Carter's shoulder.

“Ahhhhhhh” Carter screamed. I turned around to see my doodle spanking Carter Johnson with his skateboard. “Wait” I thought to myself “I can make drawings come to life, hey this could be handy!”

“Brayden, Brayden BRAYDEN!” Mrs Grayling bellowed.

I forgot that I was standing in the middle of the Principal's office

“Oh sorry Miss”

“I hear you have been starting fights in class”

“But, I…”  But Mrs Grayling interrupted.

“ Between you and me” She started whispering

“ I don’t like that Carter guy either”

She got louder “ You are free to go”

She ended the conversation with a cheeky wink.

“Bye” I muttered back.

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