Tuesday 17 October 2017

Social studies slam- the rainbow warrior

Social studies slam - Greenpeace perspective

Greenpeace is an environmental organisation that protests against nuclear bombing and other environmental issues. Greenpeace did not agree with the nuclear bomb testing happening on Mururoa atoll, an atoll is a small island made of the magma of a volcano. The Mururoa atoll was very close to New Zealand. So a boat called the rainbow warrior was a protester boat that sailed very close to the bomb testing site so the French could not bomb! There were reporters and lots of photographers on the boat and sent the videos of the French bombing and sending them around the world to make France look bad! The mururoa atoll was actually in French Polynesia land but it was very close to New Zealand but not only NZ was harmed by these bombs several Pacific islands food sources were being harmed! The Greenpeace association had succeeded by preventing these bombs, or so they thought… The french actuality bombed the rainbow warrior while it was in the Auckland harbour! Two of the crew died and Dominique Prieur and Alain Mafart who bombed the boat were arrested and sentenced to ten years in prison, HOORAY!!! But don’t get too excited, 3 years later they were snuck out and taken back to France.


  1. Hi Sammi Pippa here I really like this post but next time you should maybe put when they were arrested and what there name is
    thanks Pippa

    1. Thanks for your comment pippa! I will add there names in and when they were arrested too!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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